

New Company Registration

                    Filing of necessary papers and obtaining ESI registration code number for new establishment within prescribed time as per Act.

Online Registration of the employees

                    Online date entry of the Insured Persons on ESI web portal as per new amendment.

                    Scanning of Individual/Family Photographs and Signatures of the Insured person and uploading it for obtaining ESI Numbers.

                    Online Temporary Identity Card (TIC) Printing.

                    Obtaining Permanent Identity Card (PIC) from the ESI Branch office

Monthly Process:

                    Preparing and Maintain of Form No. 7( ESI Regulation No. 32)

                    Form No. 3 (Regulation 14)

                    Online preparation of Challan thru ESIC web portal & deposit into bank within prescribed time as per Act. (Effective from August-10 as per new amendment)

                    Provide help and prepare the documents in case of accident or demised employee.

                    All assessment & inspection from ESI department, when required.

                    Reply of Notices etc. from the concern authorities.

                    Information with regard to any amendment/changes in the act will be informed immediately.

Half yearly Process:

                    Prepare Form 6 (Statutory half yearly return) for Main code and sub codes nos.

                    Form No. 01-A (Annual Return


l Our Services

  • TDS Providing of employees Tax calculation
  • ESI Maintaining and submission of all Statutory Records/Returns etc. under ESI Act, 1948.
  • EPF Collecting data from company, processing the same and generating payroll register and PF contribution Accordingly.
  • Bonus Act Keeping the employer abreast with the amendments, if any to the Act
  • Kerala Labour Act We maintenan & submit the Statutory Records / Returns etc.
  • Minimum wages Act Informing the employers about the changes in the minimum wages as declared by the Govt.
  • Professional Tax Will guide to remit the professional tax on time.