New Company Registration Filing of necessary papers and obtaining ESI registration code number for new establishment within prescribed time as per Act. Online Registration of the employees Online date entry of the Insured Persons on ESI web portal as per new amendment. Scanning of Individual/Family Photographs and Signatures of the Insured person and uploading it for obtaining ESI Numbers. Online Temporary Identity Card (TIC) Printing. Obtaining Permanent Identity Card (PIC) from the ESI Branch office Monthly Process: Preparing and Maintain of Form No. 7( ESI Regulation No. 32) Form No. 3 (Regulation 14) Online preparation of Challan thru ESIC web portal & deposit into bank within prescribed time as per Act. (Effective from August-10 as per new amendment) Provide help and prepare the documents in case of accident or demised employee. All assessment & inspection from ESI department, when required. Reply of Notices etc. from the concern authorities. Information with regard to any amendment/changes in the act will be informed immediately. Half yearly Process: Prepare Form 6 (Statutory half yearly return) for Main code and sub codes nos. Form No. 01-A (Annual Return |